does the big horse move its legs to run with the little ones flailing all over, or does it just hold really still while the little ones run making it glide though the pasture?
Horse fart jet boots
I’d look at what the little horses are Standing on cause this smells like fractal.
It’s horses all the way down
I would rent a house for this penta horse.
Or maybe it’s a penthouse for the pent-horse.
Not a professional so Idk, though
Zoom in to see even smaller horses
Inside THE Situation?
Demand a paternity test
Get more ducks.
LOL, it’s the Nac Mac Feegle stealing a horse, except they’d carry it backwards. They usually steal “ships”.
Sounds something like this when walking
Does that horse have 4 horsepower or 5?
Idk, the horse looks kinda friendly, ngl.
Which horses legs move? big horse, small horses or both?
It’s got to be exclusively the small ones, surely.
I’m thinking it’s kind of like roller skates
Be correct about something and see what happens.
Good question!