You got more for he money than a fucking phone. Don’t complain.
You take that damn galaxy purr 5 and don’t ever question it
“Do you want salmon or chicken today?” Is a perfectly acceptable question.
Also, “can I refresh that water for you?” And “may I offer scritches and toy time?”
It’s illegal to own something so smol, so be careful trying to get a refund
Kittens don’t age well. Eventually they turn into cats.
I mean, if it’s dead probably idk
Shouldn’t have opened the box.
Schrödinger’s Galaxy Note 5
I swear he was alive before.
Free dinner
He’s restin’! Remarkable cat, the Norwegian Forest, idn’it, ay? Beautiful coat!
100% a keeps
At least the cat doesn’t burn after a week.
That’s an upgrade
Mfs are trying to tempt you to just keep it but don’t give in send the bitch ass Cat back it’s the economic choice to make