Or as I originally heard it, “going to bed is going to work.”
That’s assuming You fall asleep instantly. For me it’s “free time ends and 4 hours of trying to fall asleep begin, then another four of waking up every hour, and then another 16 of trying not to fall asleep”.
You need better sleep hygiene my friend.
I do, too but you do too, too.
And tomorrow is always so shit because I’m so tired
This is exactly why I don’t have enough sleep.
Go to bed and wake up earlier and give yourself some recreation time first time in the morning. That way, you aren’t going to sleep in order to work afterwards: you’re going to sleep so that you can enjoy the rest of your free time better rested. This is much easier said than done, of course, but I have a better rest when I can fit this routine into my schedule.
That is every Sunday for me.
Is this why I don’t go to sleep early?
Staying up till 3AM so the day lasts longer
For me it’s like when I’m having a bad day at work, I wish for the workday to end.
But then I get home and I have to be alone with my thoughts until the next workday. And I find myself wishing the weekend would end so that I can distract myself with work.
It’s a frustrating cycle.
Imagine having a job
Tomorrow is nearly yesterday and every day is stupid.
Try having children. They wake up at ~5am every day and they are young enough that they can’t take care of themselves yet, so I must go to bed at 10pm if I am to get a decent night’s sleep.
That kind of time is not free.
I feel this deep in my soul.