Well if he were less of a sociopathic asshole we’d all be better off.
And yes wealth at that level corrupted him.
If I saw those numbers it would be cancel then shop elsewhere
Thanks so much for posting that. I hadn’t heard it before and loved it
Lol the sapient one is hilarious. Especially when our ancestors probably murdered and bred out of existence other sapient species.
Part of me wonders if that turn you mentioned is our industrial revolution, invention of agriculture, or whatever set us apart from other sapient species.
Some cultures and Indigenous belief systems accept death and the process of not being an immortal to be expected while ironically the Abhramic faiths that have a huge aversion to idolatry tend to want to follow in the steps of their God by living forever and exerting control over all things.
It’s fascinating to me to explore this but while I’d love for us to explore the cosmos like Carl Sagan implored us to do, it’s also so frustrating we can’t get past our initial hangups.
There isn’t mushroom amongus for the fungus to rule. They won’t be able to be a funguy and party.
It’s also a very Buddhist outlook. Not because of anything specifically antihuman or pro ecology but simply because we as humans are part of a cycle that lives and dies. We don’t have a say.
You could say our karma is that we will be too proud and be too exceptionalist and end it all earlier than expected because we couldn’t come together and take care of the earth.
It sucks but the earth will go on for a few more billion years without us.
I feel like the robots have already earned their leadership
Welcome robot overlords etc etc
Hey It iS oUR RiGhT to not teach basic science jn the usa! /s
As a high school teacher looking to get out of teaching I’m so tired
And like… I’m just guessing… 800 square feet? That’s a district? Nazeem is crazy
How about a super short but also super high budget edutainment show?
Those interested: Erika Lust is a fun site. It has more ethical porn that you don’t have to wade through weird crap for. Well worth it IMHO
I saw shower and started worrying but it’s OK.
Stop making my back hurt by saying that
If you’re a cis man, it isn’t hard to get done. My urologist talked about the finer points of sci-fi while my procedure was done and then he mentioned that men often use events like march madness to conveniently allow themselves to be lazy. He was so cool. I want to be my urologist when i grow up.
The procedure sucks for folks who might not have the safety net like I did for it. I realize that. But if you do I have to say that it’s much better than for a woman and that you are being a feminist warrior for your wife/SO. Anyway I encourage all guys to get it when they feel they are ready.
Also bringing your semen sample in a little lab bottle to your doctor is weird AF.
I’m glad you’ve got peace with that but I don’t envy you for having to go through it ❤️
Jablinski rocks like that
Don’t hold back! Tell Big Tea what you think!
(I personally like Green Tea and lighter varieties but I have to be… in the mood. I’m always in the mood for coffee on the other hand.)
During the run up to the election I’ll admit i was guilty of this because it was so important for TFG to lose. I wish our bullshit system allowd for more than a fascist and center right party.
Now? Fuck that they aren’t leading like they should.
It’s exhausting.