Just another day where guns mean more than human lives.
(cheerful teacher voice) “Remember, kids! Training for this life-or-death situation is our part in ensuring that some old fart gets to keep his private arsenal!”
Police report the shooter is now dead.
Police used the term “found dead” so likely murder-suicide.
Probably shot by another mass shooter /s
The only thing that can stop a mass shooter with a gun is an infinite regress of additional mass shooters.
Cascading “active shooter incidents” rolling across America, one beginning where the last one ended. A
livingmonument to our love of freedom and firearms.That’s enough internet for me today…
Someone call PlayerUnkown!
A cop?
Uno reverse card
Someone tell them the record’s been broken already
deleted by creator
I’m Pro Life and INCREDIBLY happy this man got to exercise his Constitutional Rights! Now lets start forcing kids into Christianity by force!
Apparently there may be a 2nd shooter. Another individual with a handgun and banana clip was reported. If it’s a “good guy with a gun”, he better watch out.