12 yr old me: My username will be StrokeMyMagnum
18 yr old me: That’s still a badass username
Or you can use your real name as your username, like me!
You shouldn’t have done that. I know what you look like now: https://celebmafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/margot-robbie-photoshoot-for-usa-today-2018-more-photos-13.jpg
Now people will recognize me when I’m out in public, oh no!
FirstLastBirthyear and pw was ssn because I was trying to memorize it. Idiot.
You gotta have the “XxX” at the end too for the symmetry!
After I stopped caring about having a unified online persona, I just picked random names everywhere. Sometimes I’ll just drop a name that doesn’t fit anymore.
Feels so freeing. Like this is my at work account. When I hand in my work laptop, it’s gone.
My 19 year old stepson set his gmail address when he was 13. It contains the phrase “anal beads” and the number 420. He hates it when I bring it up.
Na, username worked out like a charm.
Neopets I was ShelbysTheBomb and SqueeksDaFlyer. In 2019, I joined again as ShelbyEileenCosplay. The website really hasn’t changed and it’s nostalgic and so good for my mental health
tell me about it
I remember cringing some time after I made my username. Later figured out, that it’s actually OK, and I use it everywhere.
I’m glad I have my outlook account because my other emails are pretty unprofessional.
Me choosing my real name back then
Me having to deal with all the other "me"s who are jealous they have numbers after their real name
Me ending up trans and resenting my dead name: