Development Delays Linked to Babies With Excessive Screen Time, Study Finds::A new study found out of 7,000 babies surveyed, those with access to four or more hours of screen time a day didn’t adequately develop social and motor skills.

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    The development delays are not because babies have excessive screen time, but rather because parents can’t afford to spend time with their children. Articles and studies like this try to blame technology, when corporate interests are to blame. The US is one of the few countries worldwide that does not guarantee paid family leave.

    The family iPad isn’t the issue. It’s your boss and the fact that all he cares about is maximizing profit.

    • Bobby Turkalino
      91 year ago

      The family iPad isn’t the issue

      idk, i think you’re too quick to dismiss this as a real issue. i don’t disagree that overworked parents are a major factor, but going to restaurants, airports, and other places where parents are motivated to placate their children, you can’t help but notice the amount of ipad parenting going on. sure, an hour here and there is harmless, but parents and kids both get addicted to the effectiveness and it easily becomes more than that

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      This is clearly an issue but they are compounding issues, not mutually exclusive ones.

      If the parents are working the kids will be at childcare or school. The iPad use is when the parents have the children at home or out, it’s a choice of the parents not to engage with their kids.

      I’m a parent and I have zero issue doing washing, dishes, cooking, cleaning or any of my other housework while my kids “help” or are otherwise engaged, talking, singing etc. It is agonizing sometimes but that’s the choice you make when you value your children.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      “They noted that the babies exposed to more screen time were children of younger first-time mothers who had lower household incomes, lower maternal education levels, and suffered from postpartum depression.”

      It’s not as simple as “interact with your kids”.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Others have pointed out that the article is jumping to conclusions by excluding the very and actually well documented economic factors at play here.

    It is crunchy/granola technophobia. People need to keep in mind that popular (scientific, for the time) opinion used to be that excessive reading was had for children and adults. It is as old as our written records actually, going back to a handful of Greek historians warning about it even.

    If people wanted the best for babies then we’d be raising them in collectives, with multigenerational households being the norm and free food, healthcare, and childcare widely available with few string attached. Some places already are close to all of those things.

    But it is so much easier to clutch pearls and blame the iPad. It isn’t like brains shut off. They also used to argue that video games causes inadequate social and motor skill development and now fucking surgeons play games to build motor skills.

    I’m sure we’ll hear that screentime proclaims “hail Satan” just as soon as they find a way to play the iPad in reverse.