IBM selling The Weather Channel and the rest of its weather business::IBM will sell The Weather Company to Francisco Partners, a tech-focused private equity firm, for an undisclosed sum, it announced Tuesday.
IBM selling The Weather Channel and the rest of its weather business::IBM will sell The Weather Company to Francisco Partners, a tech-focused private equity firm, for an undisclosed sum, it announced Tuesday.
In before a fascist wannabe billionaire buys the weather channel just to destroy any credibility it has and hijack the climate change debate. Even change the name of weather channel to something like “Y”.
Let the enshittification begin.
Steve Bannon is sadly already ahead of you:
If paywall:
Another article with tons of linked sources:
He’ll probably rename it to 🌦️
*Databases crash noises
This timeline is disturbingly absurd, making it increasingly likely that we could indeed face such a situation.
Too late, it’s been shit for years now.
The Weather Channel tv channel isn’t owned by IBM and isn’t part of this deal