Too bad. I used to love Popular Science. But as time has passed the articles have become far more speculative and fantastical. Same with Popular Mechanics, once a staple of DIY home creations to sucking the military’s dick with MIC dream weapons and UFOs.
Too bad. I used to love Popular Science. But as time has passed the articles have become far more speculative and fantastical. Same with Popular Mechanics, once a staple of DIY home creations to sucking the military’s dick with MIC dream weapons and UFOs.
Both were staples in my house in the early 90s. I learned so god damned much from popsci and popular mechanics, but holy lord popsci and then popmech got bad.
Too bad. I used to love Popular Science. But as time has passed the articles have become far more speculative and fantastical. Same with Popular Mechanics, once a staple of DIY home creations to sucking the military’s dick with MIC dream weapons and UFOs.
Time for them to die.
Let’s not talk about Discovery channel either, it went from a history/national geographic channel to 24/7 reality TV.
Same with the history channel. It’s almost like the unrelenting pursuit of profit destroys interesting niches in the name of widespread appeal
Seems like there’s a word for this……
Both were staples in my house in the early 90s. I learned so god damned much from popsci and popular mechanics, but holy lord popsci and then popmech got bad.
It was such a shame to watch it go downhill.