This is partially why I keep my profile pretty baren. No display name, picture, bio, etc.
Edit: I don’t usually do this but I’m too curious, why would someone downvote this? You want me to be more attention grabbing? Oh, never mind, they hit everyone.
It’s more obvious when it’s someone with emoji as their name (you know who you are :p )
motherfuckin dude with the blue letters
This is partially why I keep my profile pretty baren. No display name, picture, bio, etc.
Edit: I don’t usually do this but I’m too curious, why would someone downvote this? You want me to be more attention grabbing? Oh, never mind, they hit everyone.
But your username is the name of a great German psychedelic rock band of the late 60s, early 70s, everyone must recognize you!
I love that you’ve made that connection.
For those out of the loop.
and and another great example
I’m surprised you didn’t link to Halleluwah!
Here’s a video to make up for it.
Also, you should trim everything after the question mark in YouTube links. That’s how they track you.
Does also work without emojis
No idea what you’re on about