Only the bad cat owners. The good ones can predict when there’s mischief in their eye.
Yeah lol although I wouldn’t necessarily classify them as bad owners, but I agree the “random” bites and scratches usually have some good indication ahead of time.
The cat I raised doesn’t really scratch but will swat. Now that she is a senior I even feel comfortable doing the under blanket play because she stays gentle and recognizes it is still me.
Now my partner’s cat though… I dont get hurt by him often at all cuz body language, but he will legitimately walk up to my partner and just leap into the air and grab on. Or walk up and bite. Kitty just loves being a jackass with him but normal with me.
Speak for yourself. My cats never scratched me on purpose.
I mean…I was like that when we first adopted our cat. Then we learned about respecting personal space and whaddya know, I haven’t been scratched in months (Last time was me trying to remove a small piece of thread from his mouth, to prevent him from eating it. He ate it anyway with no consequences and gave me a gash that left a scar.)