I’d be surprised if they had net positive income on Tribes 3. A lot of veteran gamers of the series saw who was really running development and decided to stay away. Once bitten, twice shy. The writing was on the wall that it was a dead game back in June.
The requirements shaped the design. They wanted mail carriers to be able to stand up in the cargo area without having to bend over → tall cargo area and tall doors. High visibility → a large windshield. Along with the options of a BEV or ICE powertrain → duckbill front.
Personally, I think it’s iconic and obviously less of a deathtrap vs the current vehicles.
Yeah, I would mostly agree. The poll peaks in 2020 when there was COVID, a virus that was putting people in the hospital on ventilators and had a mortality rate we hadn’t experienced for over a century. Along with a healthcare system barely holding on, lockdowns, masking, social distancing, a major recession, people losing their jobs, kids going back to school with all that chaos, and in the middle of one of the most chaotic and stressful presidential elections in history. BUT 55% of people were better off in 2020. Hmm…
Yeah, I remember this one too. Going back and reading one of the articles from when it happened, and I just don’t have words for it.
Also a sovereign citizen.
I have one like that. He’s so fluffy and soft and his fur gets everywhere.
It’s easier than that: c for ceiling, g for ground.
At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle “dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap,” the lawsuit said.
It’s a quirk in Georgia’s law where cruelty to children and their death gets those charges upgraded to murder 2.
It’s out there. You just have to search for it.
Always is. Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty of.
Context: I heard that lemmy will upvote anything. This is literally just a can of fucking beans
And then there was weeks and weeks of bean posts.
It’s common for blogs and some news outlets to include an image with each article. It may or may not be relevant.
I had searched for a couple of the roasters and they either de-listed the products or pulled the page from their website.
Anyway the FDA recall talks about canning low acid foods, and how the manufacturer hadn’t filed the proper paperwork on their process.
True, but you’re not going to pop the top on one of those then start sipping.
Maybe in the sense that Coke and Pepsi are the same product. From reading their website it looks like they partner with different roasters to make canned cold brew.
It’s coffee that’s been brewed then canned in a soda can. Your whole bean and pre-ground coffee that comes in a bag is fine.
They changed the headline to “Let’s Celebrate Noam Chomsky”. The New Statesman article also was pulled.
The only recent information I can find is he was recovering from a bad stroke last year, and his wife moved him to Brazil.
Not sure if they’re still available, but gummy bears made with Lycasin guarantee explosive results.
Why am not surprised the case originated out of the Fifth Circuit, and they ruled against the protest organizer.
Mel Brooks. He turned 98 this year.