The one bug programmers cannot patch: procrastination.
Coding is best done late at night when you wish you were asleep but there’s that one bug…
I think it’s more related to the fact that it’s when there is no distractions at all. At least for me that’s probably the reason. No colleagues asking dumb questions, no pointless meeting, nearly no notification whatsoever.
Yup, things are nice and quiet when everyone’s asleep.
I’m really lucky that I work from home, my jobs timezone is 2h behind me, and my wife leaves for work at 10am when my work day is starting.
Are we the same person? If I haven’t figured out that one bug, it’s going to haunt me.
I work 9a-5p and I do my best work after 11pm.
I’m glad I’m not the only one
I don’t drink coffee. You can imagine my day.
Why is it this way?
Oh no
Welcome to the club, pal
Because we didn’t evolve to survive in a capitalist society
no that can’t be right it’s probably a personal failing that I should internalise and maybe spend money on /s
Make it an Irish coffee and you’ll get there faster. My sweet spot was ~3 beers in an hour and I could suddenly code better (and it wasn’t the alcohol talking).
Jokes on you but I get my best ideas at night
I just wish I got them during the day, when I’m getting paid
that late night working fugue state