You guys get more than 1MB/s?
No no, Nintendo is probably going to make the repo owner change their repository name.
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
Cant get over it from Burnout Paradise on the PS3.
Coin flip.
Less time spent deciding what’s important, and more time spent improving the service to the point where overpopulation isn’t a problem.
I dont have a routine other then work. Just whatever I feel like doing in the moment.
Burnout 3, Midnight Club 3, and NFS Underground 2 were the best games to play on PS2. Such nostalgia.
Its GNU/Linux, as in GNU slash Linux. Anyone who says otherwise is just wrong.
I use Arch BTW.
Minecraft command block?
3 download 0.9 upload
The one bug programmers cannot patch: procrastination.
Like others have said, one option is to have a chat with her.
Another option could be coming up with a percentage that fits your 30% increase in earnings:
Assuming you start with a 50/50 split, we can add a 30% increase to your share:
0.5 * (1 + 0.3) = 0.65
This 30% increase leads to a 65/35 ratio, where you would be paying 65%, and she 35%.