The whole YOLO thing never made any sense to me. If you believe in reincarnation or an afterlife, then you have every excuse to risk your life doing whatever you want. There’s usually some kinds of moralistic restrictions, but except in the most extreme religious fundamentalist societies, I suspect wingsuiting on weekends is fair game. If you’re going to live forever no matter what you do, why not?
On the other hand, if you only live once - if you’re one and done - that seems like a demotivation to risk your life before you’re actually done with it.
There’s an old borscht belt joke about insurance - “What if something terrible happens, and you don’t die?”
I’m 40.
In my late 20s where YOLO got popular, I knew people who followed that lifestyle.
Many of them are still in a hole, still working min wage jobs and chasing after whatever fad.
It’s very sad.
The whole YOLO thing never made any sense to me. If you believe in reincarnation or an afterlife, then you have every excuse to risk your life doing whatever you want. There’s usually some kinds of moralistic restrictions, but except in the most extreme religious fundamentalist societies, I suspect wingsuiting on weekends is fair game. If you’re going to live forever no matter what you do, why not?
On the other hand, if you only live once - if you’re one and done - that seems like a demotivation to risk your life before you’re actually done with it.