• moistclump@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s not necessarily domestic abuse, like the other commenter said. But it does have a flavour of “haha women ammiright?”

    It’s not just women who sulk. It’s okay to take space sometimes from an argument but communicate about that. If the relationship is worth it, address passive aggressiveness as it comes up. Both people in this meme are being passive aggressive.

    Which obviously isn’t the same as domestic abuse so that’s, Yknow, a stretch.

  • Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Since there’s so much confusion about this in the comments:

    If you have an argument with your partner, a very common solution is to separate for a bit and get some space, then come back with clear heads and finish the argument like adults.

    That separation - may it be going for a walk, or playing video games, is not disrespectful. It is the person trying to recover from their emotions.

    To use an example: in an intense argument, my wife or I will recognize that things are heating up into shouting match. We each leave the space, and 3-12 hours later, restart the convo gently. I typically go off for a walk. She may go to the bedroom and watch TV.

    If you’re upset at what the other person is doing during your separation time, you are still emotionally affected and are not ready for a talk.