Since Day One (spez’ fuckup) I have been trying to use and like lemmy but it just doesn’t work right at all. Like as in never did. Communities disappear randomly, posts don’t load, submissions have no comments, you name it. At this point I am considering going back to reddit just like everyone else I know that used to care is doing already. Any others out there with same experience or is it just me and my shitty ios app for lemmy?
You may experience a lot fewer problems if you switch instances, is notoriously overloaded.
I see you’re on It’s PROBABLY because of that. That instance is really big so it causes posts to not load and what not . Go to a smaller one. Like in the ~1k range or something and I’m SURE all of these problems will go away. It was the same for me when I first joined Lemmy and picked The following day I switched to back when it had ~40 users. is known for being unreliable and slow and occasional censoring and word filtering. If you’re okay with that, it’s a good instance. If not: search a better fitting instance or self-host one.
(Disclosure: I had to re-write this comment, because the site did not post it – again.)
Yeah, that’s a you thing. I have accounts on six or seven instances so far. No disappearing communities at all, posts usually loading fine unless there’s an issue with a specific instance. Comments can be sparse, but that’s a matter of patience. Posts that invite discussion get comments, it just takes longer. The flip side of that is that you can comment everywhere and be certain your comment didn’t get buried, and that there’s a higher chance of it leading to discussion because of that
I can’t say why you’re experiencing the issues, it could be the app. Could be your instance being one that’s kinda not well liked and being defederated by more than the average. Could be your instance just fucking up in general (I’ve seen statements that is a little unstable currently). And it could be that you just haven’t run across the things that interest you, which may or may not be helped by anything since not every interest has a big community at all, even on a bigger service like reddit.
But the stuff you’re specifically pointing to aren’t happening for everyone, no.