It’s an anagram of my real name, ‘lcdou 991y9’
Does your dad’s first name rhyme with Schmeeelon by chance?
It’s a family name
Is it Mr/Mrs Fart or are we talking a double or triple barrelled name…?
deleted by creator
Because I want to instill fear
My initials if my middle name were Keith
Corrupt windows nt boot menu circa 2003… It should have said “last known good configuration”
Because I think that summer is too warm
I’ll give you one guess…
Because one was required.
2001, heading to Assembly '01, a large LAN event in Helsinki.
Or was it '02?
Ich bin ein Hurensohn
Because it’s all I really want to do here.
I’m using my real name because I was here to virally promote a movie, just like all the other celebrities on reddit before.
It was a very successful promotion.
What? Are you supposing you are actually Margot Robbie
People don’t just make things up on the internet. I’m kinda stoked to be responding to a comment on a Margot Robbie comment.
Need all the help I can get for my Oscar campaign.
I’m a simple man.
One of my nicknames growing up was Lil Miss Potatoes. But now I’m a grown up, so I’m Lady Taters.