You know the type. High security, weeks or months of stakeout, sniper three blocks away…
The hitman sorta things I recall from the news are either planned and executed by national intelligence agents or some savage gunning and running from hired brutes, but never the variant with sophistication and private sector.
You don’t really think jumping from a building is the preferred method of suicide in Russia, do you? ;-)
Well, those are intelligence agency, aren’t they.
Fiction is fiction.
In real life, stalking the victim for months, sniper shots, or anything that involves any sort of sofisticiation or team of people is asking to get caught.
KISS principle. A successful hit would be as simple as possible, happen fast with no prior interaction, and involve as few people as possible.
Indeed. Still, I’d assume if the hypothetical high profile target has security up to par, it requires a little more than to go in and start blasting. Even if very little planning is required, it would be because the hitman has sufficient expertise, indirectly the planning already being done over years of experience.
Or… You could do it like Spanish revolutionaries did it.
Richard Kuklinski.
He kept it simple. …mostly.
It’s still unknown who did this hit, but the story itself and a mass of speculations are very interesting:
I just discovered thanks to your post, thank you Internet stranger!
Just like I did, and you can pass this torch to the next person too (:
Thanks for that rabbit hole. Interesting. It would make sense for a clever and reasonably tech savvy person at that time to put messages in the HTML thinking it would be sufficiently hidden, and to come up with the strategy to mask business traffic from casual traffic by being an overly popular image host. Then again, people in some sort of intelligence biz that use terminology of secure data storage should also know that obscurity is not not security. If it’s a LARP, it is an ambitious one, but people that are armchair military do have a weird mindset of their own.
Lake city quiet pills is wild. Barely sociable has a video on YouTube about it.
You could ask Jimmy Joffa. Or any Mexican politician who speaks out against the cartels. Not sure they will be able to answer though since nobody has seen them in a while…
Yeah, it did cross my mind, along with the Italian mob killing prosecutors back in the day, but as far as I recall those too are gunning everything in proximity of the target or at most sophisticated a planted car bomb. Not like the roof top assassin that disappears into thin air sort of thing.
Do you mean like the Pinkertons?
Uh well the opposite actually, unless they offer murders on the VIP menu.
There’s a reason rich folk hire armed private security, ride in bulletproof vehicles, and hold kidnapping insurance.
Yeah, well, kidnapping is something different, isn’t it.
Sure, but my mind kinda buckets it under the file of rich people problems, like getting bumped off
but never the variant with sophistication and private sector.
If they’re good at what they do why would we hear of them?
Because if it does happen even infrequently, it would be unlikely that not at least a few had a media leak or some upset spouse exposing it.