Snap is what finally forced me to explore the vast selection of distros. Mint Linux is working well for me. I do miss Plasma Desktop though.
Wonderfull + You are free to install Plasma on your Mint
I’ve done this, works great.
Love Mint
Linux beginner here. Whats snaps?
Snaps is Ubuntu/Canonicals proprietary package format which is mostly considered a worse alternative to flatpak (another package format) with no real advantages on desktops that Canonical is trying to force on users
sudo apt purge -y snapd && sudo apt install -y gnome-software-plugin-flatpak && flatpak remote-add flathub
For everything else Fedora is looking good. PopOS has potential.
“I am more like a flatpak guy myself”
The apt package of KeePassXC would fail repeatedly to recognize my hardware token. The snap package ironically works like a charm.
What the did with Firefox is a war crime…
BUT, the other day I had to instal DBeaver and using snap was for sure the easiest/fastest way
Snaps are great.
I don’t get it
The joke is based on the fact that Ubuntu forces snaps and most people agree that they suck
I don’t know how they suck and didn’t use them. I install everything either from ebuilds or build myself.