Blogs, actually updating your own damn websites, RSS/atom, mastodon, email.
Take a look at the Berkshire Hathaway website if you think your website needs to be fancy. They made $300B last year and still have a Geiko ad and haven’t updated the style since like 1997.
You can even run a website for free with GitHub pages. You can host a website from. Google cloud store bucket. Portugal The Man’s website is a Google Sheet.
“But what’s the alternative?!”
Blogs, actually updating your own damn websites, RSS/atom, mastodon, email.
Take a look at the Berkshire Hathaway website if you think your website needs to be fancy. They made $300B last year and still have a Geiko ad and haven’t updated the style since like 1997.
You can even run a website for free with GitHub pages. You can host a website from. Google cloud store bucket. Portugal The Man’s website is a Google Sheet.