What’s strange is that they are currently in the hospital and are failing to provide any evidence of that tunnel network. All they seem to do is find magically “find a stash of weapons that Hamas surely just forgot” but none of those tunnels they keep talking about
Bro they showed a elevator shaft in a shot up building 200metres from a hospital, didn’t zoom down the shaft.
Stop claiming they showed evidence. They did not. Everything israel shows keeps getting debunked in like 6 hours. You’re just IDF shilling if you repeat this shit.
Sure it can. Now if only they would lower the camera into the shaft or descend the ladder so we could see this amazing tunnel network! Surely this deceisive evidence would be presented as soon as they could right?
We’re gonna find those WMD’s any day now boys
It’s strange zero evidence has been provided for their claims except for a video of a militant with an RPG near another hospital.
What’s strange is that they are currently in the hospital and are failing to provide any evidence of that tunnel network. All they seem to do is find magically “find a stash of weapons that Hamas surely just forgot” but none of those tunnels they keep talking about
There is also this:
what’s that strange white date? :3
the idf built the expansion and underground plans for the hospital back in the 80s
they also showed tunnels in the other hospitals. plus it hasn’t even been a day yet and the IDF isn’t in the entire hospital
Bro they showed a elevator shaft in a shot up building 200metres from a hospital, didn’t zoom down the shaft.
Stop claiming they showed evidence. They did not. Everything israel shows keeps getting debunked in like 6 hours. You’re just IDF shilling if you repeat this shit.
well that wasn’t al-shifa hospital. but why does them zooming in matter?
Because if they’d zoom down the shaft you’d see an elevator and not a tunnel network.
Also notice the two iron rails on the side of the “tunnel” that very clearly guide the elevator. And the pulley of course.
and an elevator shaft can’t be a tunnel or secret passage underground?
Sure it can. Now if only they would lower the camera into the shaft or descend the ladder so we could see this amazing tunnel network! Surely this deceisive evidence would be presented as soon as they could right?