Sure it can. Now if only they would lower the camera into the shaft or descend the ladder so we could see this amazing tunnel network! Surely this deceisive evidence would be presented as soon as they could right?
We know there are tunnels. Even Hamas has shown their own tunnels.
The claim here is that there is a giant Hamas command center with tunnels underneath the hospital which is the excuse israel used to bomb the hospital. The killed hospital staff said there are no tunnels there.
They said they had conclusive evidence before the bombing. So far we’re seeing very little evicence of israeli war crimes and it looks like they were just terror bombing civilians in a hospital.
You’re literally arguing with someone who denies that the IDF bombs hospitals. All I’m saying is that would’ve banned his ass for repeatedly denying established facts…
well that wasn’t al-shifa hospital. but why does them zooming in matter?
Because if they’d zoom down the shaft you’d see an elevator and not a tunnel network.
Also notice the two iron rails on the side of the “tunnel” that very clearly guide the elevator. And the pulley of course.
and an elevator shaft can’t be a tunnel or secret passage underground?
Sure it can. Now if only they would lower the camera into the shaft or descend the ladder so we could see this amazing tunnel network! Surely this deceisive evidence would be presented as soon as they could right?
they’ve shown the tunnels before tho
We know there are tunnels. Even Hamas has shown their own tunnels.
The claim here is that there is a giant Hamas command center with tunnels underneath the hospital which is the excuse israel used to bomb the hospital. The killed hospital staff said there are no tunnels there.
They said they had conclusive evidence before the bombing. So far we’re seeing very little evicence of israeli war crimes and it looks like they were just terror bombing civilians in a hospital.
You’re literally arguing with someone who denies that the IDF bombs hospitals. All I’m saying is that would’ve banned his ass for repeatedly denying established facts…
He seems to be at least a bit genuine because he’s linking sources. Maybe he’s just a soul lost in the IDF sauce.
very curious to hear where your source comes from, since there have been no reports thus far of IDF bombing hospitals.
They have bombed the hospital.
Also reports of tank shots firing into the building from Aljazeera phone calls with doctors on site however those are without video evidence
And israel killed all ICU patients and multiple premature babies by blockading the hospital and preventing it from getting supplies.
That was a flare shell that unfortunately fell onto a civilian area. Accidents happen in wars, especially in such a densely populated area. Militants have their fair share of accidents as well, where their missiles, unfortunately, fell onto a civilian area.
Al Jazeera cannot be trusted to be factual and impartial. They have Clear bias and Poor credibility. They are funded entirely by the Qatari government. The same Qatar government that houses Hamas leadership. The same Qatar that meets with media mongrels and funds twitter. The same twitter that is notoriously known for being astroturfed. Submissions from Al Jazeera aren’t even allowed on this community because of all this.
Isn’t blame on both Hamas and Israel for this because they are both fighting around a hospital?