Godzila for one is powered by ✨nuclear energy ✨
Godzilla is nuclear powered. Fusion in special cells.
Kong is powered by plot magic.
You also can’t just scale things up and have them work the same way. I forget if there’s a proper name for this but weight is related to volume which is the cube of the dimension, but pressure is related to area which is the square of the dimension. So giant king kongs ankles aren’t looking so great right now as the pressure will increase with scale.
Fittingly enough, this is called the Square-Cube law
They literally show the ecosystem in the movie… This meme sucks.
Well, kind of.
They showed the interior of the earth with other megafauna, but how exactly Godzilla or Kong are getting their caloric intake satisfied on a regular basis is somewhat of a question regardless.
Godzilla especially… feeds on radiation? But not just like, consuming uranium ore. He can take a full thermonuclear blast to the face and seemingly heals bodily injury. Maybe makes him feel really full too?
It’s handwaved at best, which is fine. Trying to figure out how Kaiju work is like trying to explain The Force with physics. It’s just magic, don’t worry about it.