Ya it’s totally millennials and not the investment firms buying everything up with cash. Brilliant article!! Gaslighting at its finest.
You’ve got cause and effect backwards there.
Because of boomer NIMBYs and the great recession causing a massive undersupply of housing, and the size of the millennial generation causing a huge increase in demand, housing is a great investment. NIMBYs will ensure housing supply stays low for the foreseeable future, keeping it a good investment.
Because it’s a great investment right now, investment companies are buying housing.
You joking? I can’t afford a house lol. Don’t blame the millennials. Blame corporations and ban companies from owning residential property.
Fucking generational bullshit.
The article blames Millennials because it’s the largest generation in terms of headcount, and then spends the rest of the time discussing how Millennials were fucked over. Interesting take… I wonder if they know how to actually apportion blame.
So, I’m working on organizing political action at the local level to push for pro-housing policies, better urbanism, and better walkability/biking/public transit. I want to see the cost of living in the US be realistic again, and I think that lots of us getting involved locally and beating out the NIMBYs can get it done. There’s going to be a lot of pushback because it’s going to bring property values down to a kind of remotely realistic figure, but what’s the thing that high minded capitalists like to say? Caveat emptor? Get rekt private equity fucksticks.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the total number of Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) was 76.4 million. The total number of Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) was 72.2 million.
When did we become America’s largest population ever if boomers had more than us? What am I missing here?
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