Okay I’ll ask, how come dogs got sex robots before us?
Because doggos deserve better than us assholes do.
Robot species and genders are a social construct. Nothing stop you from having sex with it, it isn’t illegal yet. Dogs were just the first to realize they could.
But I don’t want to fuck a dog robot
Bruh do you want to fuck C-3PO?
Is that an offer, or?
That’s a command
See that’s on you
They said we’d have jetpacks and flying cars, and all we got was this dog fucking a robot. I’m calling bullshit.
First there was manpig now robodog = algore said that just trust me bro
Uhm actually it’s manbearpig, and I don’t get why you aren’t serial about it.
OMIGOD Manbearpig killed kenny. You bastards
In Night City, you can be cum
fuck yes
Why did you crop out the top “Revolt against” part of the caption?