The “Russian Warship, go fuck yourself” meme didn’t last long enough imo.
Burns twice as bright for half as long.
it remains a solid standby for responding to scammers or any old jerkface
Russian warship didn’t fuck itself so it got helped.
Did the orcas get it
Navy seal killer team 6
They should’ve trained orcas instead of dolphins.
Orcas are part of the dolphin family
Fuck russia.
Is Russia lost yet?
Heroiyam slava
That’s not gonna buff out
(Sad trombone sound)
Awww how sad.
Not Nice, it was in the Zalyv shipyard in Crimea.
But a sunken russian warship is a good russian warship. I mean it can’t be used in this war anymore…
I think it was a joke about nice, the french city.
oh my bad. I suck too much in geography to understand such jokes…
It’s France’s fault for misspelling “Neece.”
Second time I’ve seen this joke on Lemmy in like 24 hours.
Well anyway…