I am only ashamed of the energy I spent feeling ashamed of my tastes.
Damn bro.
Death metal. Death metal while birding (or more like processing footage). Death metal while cross stitching. Death metal while crocheting. It’s a weird outlet that I mostly keep to myself.
I can’t let go of it either, though I don’t listen to it as frequently anymore. Got any good recs?
Lately I find myself listening to The Ocean Collective, Mors Principium est, Be’lakor, Soilwork, Between the Buried and Me. Generally more melodic and progressive stuff. Sometimes I put on metalcore which can also be a banger like Monuments (saw them live earlier this year, they were amazing), Periphery, Bleed From Within.
I know some purists would jump on my classification but it’s hard for me to put labels on music these days with bands having a much more unique style, rather than fixing themselves into a specific genre.
Nice! I haven’t heard of those first few, I’ll check em out. Soilwork and Between the Buried and Me are solid, so is Periphery
I listen to metal while doing a lot of things and no shame there :)
I fuck with hot gas station sandwiches. Like the ones they have wrapped in paper/foil in the little to-go heat lamp hut. Also anything from the hot roller. Like taquitoes or doom dogs as I call them. I like em extra dizzy and sweaty. Maybe with a packet of onion slime on em.
I survived on that stuff as a teen. You could get a pretty solid meal at the gas station for like $3. But this was also back when McDonald’s had a dollar menu and you could get 2 mcdoubles and a drink for $3.
I fuck with hot gas station sandwiches.
I was hoping to read something in the style of that watermelon-guy :)
Maaaan, that’s a half-step further than I was gonna admit to with “pepperoni Domino’s w/ green olives and ranch”. 🥹
I eat qwik star at least 3 days a week. On I think Wednesdays, you can get two good size chicken tenders and a bunch of fries for $6. It’s damn good chicken too. There are deals every day too. Mushroom and Swiss Angus burger for like $3, you can’t beat the quantity and honestly, the quality for that price.
Don’t miss out on the gas station sushi, hot or cold /s
Fr tho, can gas stations have some really good food if you give it a shot. Especially if it isn’t a chain and offers fried chicken.
I really… Really like Smirnoff Ice. I’m 44.
I don’t think I’ve had one in twenty years and I just got the taste in my mouth reading your comment.
My pleasure. I had some, I need to buy more.
I wish they would just sweeten with magnesium/stevia. Not sure how that would taste on the way in but its worth a shot, BigBooze
I cook ramen normally then spread it on the plate. Then I open a can of cream of mushroom… Straight on top of the ramen cold… Next is a can of French cut green beans, drained, then straight to the pile. My wife won’t let me eat it around her
You got someone to marry you with that habit intact?!
You don’t lead with that! You want until the relationship is established before something like that.
Yeah, that’s definitely some Iris DeMent & John Prine level love. 😅🤗
In Spite Of Our Ramens
My wife makes a green bean casserole that has cream of mushroom in it so I don’t think the combination you’ve described is as bad as it sounds.
A can of Pringles is one serving
If anything I feel less ashamed than when I was a teenager. I still love cute stuff, stupid humor and toys :)
I’m in my 40s and still put ketchup on my hotdogs. Also, I still eat hotdogs.
What’s wrong with eating hot dogs?
Not a damn thing, but some people think they are kids food unless you put a bunch of shit on top of them. Looking at you Chicago
Chicago is super weird about their hotdogs. Like they make it a point to loudly brag about how much better they are for not putting ketchup on hotdogs, but then they put huge pieces of peppers, pickles, and tomato which are impossible to chew through so you end up pulling half the condiments off in the first bite. Also like, you know what condiment contains the flavor combo of sweetness of sweet peppers, vinegar of pickles, and tomato? Fuckin ketchup that’s what. I do like the occasional Chicago dog when I visit but they need to chill. Seattle hotdog culture is better: Cream cheese if you want, caramelized onion if you want, and a stack of add-ons nearby to build the thing yourself because IDGAF what you put on it I’m not your mom
Give me simple kraut, onions, and mustard, or a Sanoran dog wrapped in bacon. Pickled salad on my dog sounds vile.
Just looked up Sonoran hot dogs omg I have to try one
Yeah, they’re as good as they sound. One benefit of living in Tucson.
Agreed Seattle has this right and cream cheese in your hot dog bun is Godlike
Screw those people. Eat what makes you happy, as long as you’re not doing it to the point of harming your health. Hot dogs with ketchup and mustard are one of the best foods in the world 🌭😁
What’s wrong with hot dogs? They’re delicious and have lots of protien. I’m with you on the ketchup though.
Skinny jeans for life!
Ya brother
Huh? Your bad habit is clothes that fit?
I learned to drive when I was about 16. My parents never had any food in the house, plus two extremely aggressive dobermans in the kitchen, so I couldn’t go in there anyway.
So sometimes I would sneak out right before MacDs close and eat a burger in the parking lot.
I’m a lot older now, but occasionally I still eat fast food in the darkness of the Walmart parking lot
I find it calming for some reason.
Bonus hilarity:
At Xmas in 1979 I had an Xmas tree lot with a slave driver boss – 12 to 18 hours a day. (He did partially pay me with a shopping bag full of wed.)
On night I got off around midnight and headed off to the local Mcds, order my food, and visit the restroom to take a piss – and somehow managed to drop my car keys in the piss water.
Not my favorite day ever.
Then I get home and find that they had released the dogs in the whole house and I had to yell and pound on the door to get my mother to lock them up.
wow friend, your folks are shit I’m sorry you went through all that. I know it was a while ago but that kinda stuff really lingers with me from my own childhood, I hope you’re doing better now
Chef Boyardee and Heinz Tinned Spaghetti.
If I’m doing a grocery shop alone, I can’t be trusted not to buy some. Sometimes I bring some home. Sometimes it doesn’t make it.
Oh yeah, I like it cold too. I know I’m a monster.
You eat cold Chef Boyardee in the car before you even get home from the store?
Wtf dog
I’ve given up smoking, vaping, and recently caffeine. Leave me this one vice!
Before you gave those up did you smoke while eating car ravioli and keep a cup of burnt drip in the same hand as your cigarettes? From an observing perspective would that be better or worse than watching someone bone sober fuck up a cold can of soup?
(Edit to add though congrats on being able to quit those! I’ve managed to be alcohol free for almost two years now shits tough. Had to ditch caffeine too I started feeling like I was going to have a heart attack any time I had some)
I put ridiculous amounts of cocoa powder in a glass of milk. Like ALOT. Liquid chocolate. Especially love the stuff left at the bottom that didn’t mix.
I bought strawberry nesquik the other day and made a litre of it in a mason jar.
I still dance when I’m alone.
I don’t even need music any more
My least favorite thing about pizza rolls is carrying them up to the checkout counter. I do what I think is a good job cooking for myself, including making pizza from scratch on a regular basis, but sometimes I do want to sit down and play a zone out video game and munch on some objectively awful pre-packaged oven junk food. I think without that down time I’d have burned down my own face by now. Somehow still feel like I’m supposed to be embarrassed about carrying them up to the cashier and being like “I would like to purchase and own this, please.”
Not knowing how to enjoy anything.