New videos of Tesla Cybertruck off-roading appear to show it struggling to climb up a steep dirt hill::One video showed a 1946 Jeep CJ-2A successfully navigating the same hill that the Cybertruck struggled to summit.
New videos of Tesla Cybertruck off-roading appear to show it struggling to climb up a steep dirt hill::One video showed a 1946 Jeep CJ-2A successfully navigating the same hill that the Cybertruck struggled to summit.
God damn is that thing ugly as fucking sin. It’s like they went out of their way to make it as fucking ugly as possible.
It has worse aerodynamics than a Jeep Wrangler, too.
It has worse aerodynamics than a double wide getting pulled down the freeway.
How do you have worse aerodynamics than two bricks stacked on top of each other
Here you go
Funny if true. Have a source?