Hamas and Netanyahus rhetoric; name a more iconic due.
These fuckers fit hand and fucking glove.
Netanyahu: Hamas is a terrorist organization that wants to eliminate the Jewish nation
Hamas: yeah he’s right
Both of them have caused so much harm.
Hurricane of shit meeting tornado of blood
They’re not doing their supporters any favours with these sort of comments lol
It’s easy to support Palestinian statehood. Anyone that supports Hamas is a moron.
I was about to say, who’s out there supporting hamas
The tankies are all over it, actually.
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It’s crazy because I’m pretty sure a lot of them would be considered “undesirables” in the societies they claim to want to live in.
That’s it. I’m never voting for a tankie again.
Bro like literally 90% of Lemmy has a throbbing boner for Hamas and his stated antisemitic terrorists, even in this thread, terrorists apologizers abound
Weird that as a Jew who is pretty damn sensitive to antisemitism since I faced a lot of it growing up in religious Indiana, I haven’t noticed this support for antisemitic terrorists on Lemmy. I’ve seen a lot of support for innocent people being slaughtered because of Israel’s response to antisemitic terrorists, but that’s a separate issue.
People in the U.S. protested the war in Afghanistan. Does that mean they supported Al Qaeda? Because this is some real “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists” thinking from my perspective.
You’ve not been in these threads for very long, have you?
You’d be surprised, they’re out there
Considering Hamas is the organization governing Gaza right now, the two are often intertwined in these discussions
Governing is a generous term
Israel controls the borders
how can Hamas do this
Yes Egypt also doesn’t exists
They’re the same picture.
They shouldn’t have any fucking supporters. This is the shit all the anti-Israel people are supporting. I’m no fan of Netanyahu but wtf do they expect Israel to do? It’s like everyone forgot what prompted this and thinks Israel just woke up one morning and decided to raze everything because they were bored.
I’m no fan of Netanyahu but wtf do they expect Israel to do?
I expect them not to commit war crimes at a bare minimum.
Yes, not indiscriminately murdering civilians would be nice.
Are you suggesting that when Israel bombs a refugee camp and kills all those innocent people that somehow that is a reasonable response?
It’s a disproportionate response, and misdirected. But it is definitely a response to something real, which the more rabid anti-Israel types seem to gloss over.
Israel has a right to defend itself, but they’re bombing refuge camps.
Yes it’s a humanitarian disaster through and through, and the government response is internationally humiliating for Israel. I felt the same way when the USA started carpet bombing Baghdad after 9/11, although that was far worse and made much less sense.
It’s genocide.
I’m not arrogant enough to think I have sufficient knowledge or access to reliable enough information to make that judgement. I can certainly say it’s a humanitarian disaster and tragedy.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
What did you expect? Do you think that hitting a wasp nest with a rod just once means you’ll only be stung once because you only hit it once? There’s no rule stating that the wasps must respond with equal magnitude. If people are now getting hurt, it’s because someone provoked the wasps. The notion that reactions must be proportionate to the offense is quite naive.
Idk what’s more hilarious here, the implication that a Palestinian baby deserves to die because of what Hamas did or the implication that Jews are hyperaggressive animals that are completely incapable of moral reasoning.
Are you focusing solely on the casualties involving children? Does that mean any location with children is off-limits for retaliation, providing a shield for adversaries because children are present? This is not a simple game of hide and seek, nor is it your idealistic world where a slap is met with a turned cheek.
It’s a common misconception that supporters of Israel are indifferent to the death of children or any civilian, for that matter, and you seem to be perpetuating this narrative. You choose the most objectionable point about an opponent to make an accusation, and, much like someone obstinately arguing without listening to reason, you consider yourself morally superior and in the right.
What, in your opinion, would be a suitable response to an attack from Hamas? Would peaceful protests, international condemnation, or sanctions suffice?
If you’ve discarded your spine, don’t assume everyone else has done the same. An entity without the ability to react appropriately can only succumb.
If I get stung by a wasp nest sitting on my neighbor’s house, I do not have the right to burn down my neighbor’s house with them in it.
Hamas, the IDF, and the Israeli are all murderers. They all have blood on their hands.
Your narrative would hold if it weren’t flawed; it’s an oversimplification. Let’s take your perspective where Hamas is the bees that stung Israel, and now Israel is retaliating against the land harboring the bee nest. (I use ‘bees’ here to distinguish from my earlier wasp analogy).
If your neighbor disliked the bees as much as you and agreed the nest was a problem, then certainly, destroying it with care to avoid collateral damage would be wise. However, the situation changes if your neighbor is a beekeeper who shields the bees in his home to protect them from you. If those bees become aggressive and harm your family, naturally, you’d first request the neighbor to remove the bees. Should they refuse, you’d have every right to seek external help. But what if the authorities do little, leaving you to suffer the stings while your neighbor faces minimal consequences? Rather than passively endure this, you might feel compelled to act independently to prevent future stings and deter the beekeeper from maintaining this threat.
No government nor military should not get a carte blanche for murdering innocent civilians in the process of fighting a terrorist organization.
If you can’t figure that one out on your own, I’m not debating with you.
Okay, then let’s hypothetically say Israel forms a terrorist organization that doesn’t overlap with the Israeli government itself, would they then have the right to attack Gaza? This organization would essentially be in the same position relative to Israel as Hamas is to the Palestinians.
The way you debate reminds me of someone who might have abandoned their education prematurely. Are you going to complain to the teacher because you cannot acknowledge that your reasoning is flawed, incomplete, and biased? Your approach to this discussion is quite frankly, absurd.
being both anti-israel and anti-hamas at the same time is the only correct position i don’t understand why this isn’t obvious
Yeah, what prompted this already ? can you remind us ?
What prompted this? You mean the decades of occupation? Or are you suggesting history only began with the Hamas attack?
A senior member of Hamas has hailed the systematic slaughter of civilians in Israel
When asked whether this meant the complete annihilation of Israel, Hamas replied: “Yes, of course.”
who still thinks hamas are the good guys?
Only tankies. Literally no one out here with a braincell is defending Hamas.
They support Hamas? I’m not voting for them ever again. Obama was a tankie.
That isn’t what a tankie is at all. A tankie is someone who defends authoritarian governments because the governments are “left wing” or rivals of the US. Having a left wing economic policy isn’t even close. Hell you can be a Communist and still not be a tankie.
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Like the 90% of lemmy are terrorists apologizers at this point
More like they get accused of doing so even though their comment didn’t mention Hamas and they were talking about Palestinian rights, and somewhere someone pops up telling them they sympathize with Hamas.
Yeah it’s pretty much this almost every time
Lemmy users: why has Israel intentionally killed 3500+ children in such a short time?
People that support/ignore genocide like Shardikprime: why do you support Hamas?
I made the mistake of commenting on this post where people clearly think that the Hamas are the good guys and have every right to do what they do. Apologies for linking to it.
This is an 100 year conflict, all the good guys are dead.
Why do people feel this need to be good/bad. Everybody knows by now how complex is the middle east
Literally supporting terrorists and apologize for them is bad
you shouldn’t do that then
They most certainly are not.
Piece of shit, pouring oil onto fire while the civilians are getting slaughtered at this point on both sides. If there is hell, this one should burn.
Edit: I’ve never seen anyone defend Hamas, only civilian Palestinians. Just to make that clear distinction.
Bro you merely have to look at this thread and the weekly world news/news threads to see leftists terrorist apologizers
That’s why I’m trying to limit my time here, but I also just want to follow the news and see some cat pics.
Best thing to do is condemn terrorist Hamas on the one side and Netanyahu/IDF/extremist settlers that harass West bank palestinians on the other side.
And pray for the Jewish and Palestinian civilians. Because they are the ones suffering.
Antisemitic people, if I had to make a guess
Mostly leftists
I still don’t understand what’s so hard about condemning antisemitism and giving them the boot. You can’t truly be left wing, at least socially, if you aren’t making it clear bigots aren’t welcome.
We’ve come full circle now too – they’ve mixed up criticism of Israel and antisemitism.
Hamas killed 1400 civilians.
The IDF has killed about 9500 civilians so far.
I dunno, I think that Hamas may not be the good guys, but they’re definitely the less bad guys.
Give hamas same weaponry and intel as profoundly shit as IDF and israel might as well be one big crater
Okay, but they don’t. And they likely never will.
Right now it’s like a 6yo child that punches you as hard as they can in the balls, and you respond by beating the fuck out of them with a tire iron. The fact that you could straight-up murder the child by shooting them in the fucking face doesn’t mean that breaking every bone in their hands along with both legs to “teach them a lesson” would be appropriate or proportionate.
For sure, but that wasn’t really my point, which was intentions and goals. Hamas is not a “good guy” since they will take every chance of murdering and kidnapping israeli citizens if it’s by high-precision missiles or fucking gliders straight out of a comic book, and israelis aren’t the “good guys” for barraging palestinian civvies while taking tiktoks.
I feel vile for all this good guys bad guys rhetoric ffs gotta take a showa
Israel did knowingly bomb a refugee camp. Twice. Kind of hard to defend that behavior as “self defense”.
Replying to a wrong comment perhaps?
Oh, I’m not saying that Hamas is good guys. They’re not. They’re terrorists.
But by the scope and scale, by the amount of force that they’re able to bring to bear, and by the sheer number of non-combatants being killed, the IDF is far, far worse. Hamas targeted civilians on purpose, the IDF is simply indiscriminate.
The Allied forces utilized the tactics of total-war during WWII, with things like the firebombing of Dresden, or Tokyo. The idea was to break the will of the people to fight. Well, spoiler: it doesn’t work. When you kill someone’s whole family, their friends, blow up their house and community, they end up having an even stronger desire to fight back. Just like the bombings of London by Germany increased the resolve of Britons, so did the indiscriminate massacre of civilians by the Allies increase the resolve of the Germans.
The actions of the IDF are going to give Hamas it’s next generation of fighters, people willing to die to kill Israel.
Hamas targeted civilians on purpose, the IDF is simply indiscriminate.
I think the former is way worse. Besides, there’s no point in debating this. They’re both horrible. Agreed? Then let’s move on.
Have Hamas ever heard of endlings? It’s the last of a species before it goes extinct.
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