US to build new nuclear gravity bomb::Experts say this new higher-yield nuclear bomb appears intended to pave the way for retiring the older B83 megaton bomb.
“The physics package contained within the B83 has been studied for use in asteroid impact avoidance strategies against any seriously threatening near earth asteroids. Six such warheads, configured for the maximum 1.2 megatonnes of TNT (5.0 PJ), would be deployed by maneuvering space vehicles to “knock” an asteroid off course, should it pose a risk to the Earth.[10]”
…If you have even half the comprehension to understand that amount of force. fuck…that’s a lot of damage.
The crazy bit is that the energies involved in a meteorite large enough to cause serious problems striking earth are like an order of magnitude larger than that. No radiation, sure, but that doesn’t help you much when you’re getting broiled by a ball of plasma.
Maybe do a nuclear gravity power plant first? Provide the tax players cheap clean energy instead of more threats of war.
Why would you drop a power plant?
You wouldn’t download a power plant
Don’t copy that floppy
deleted by creator
But how are we going to protect the power plant without the bomb? /s
Honestly… this is kind of how that might happen? Defense spending and research has always been the vanguard of technological development and then it’s waylaid to private sector development and R&D.
Once it’s proven effective they can then reverse engineer it to do something constructive.
Because the US can’t be bothered to find non blow-uppy projects until later.
nuclear gravity power plant
Just in time for the latest conflict in the Middle East.
Yet as the article says: directly linked with the new arms race with Russia and China.
While glassing Gaza would streamline the conflict a bunch, I doubt these weapons are because of them
Holy crap! We have been here before and it leads to the brink of extinction due to fecking ego’s.
Yeah, but this time we can all talk about it in realtime with the rest of the world.
Wouldn’t be in realtime for very long
I do agree, but it’s confounded by the story that’s told. We have sequentially followed the same arguments for the people that we are asked to fear right now. MAGA are a classic example of “live updates” and very poor thinking
Did we ever leave?
In a follow-up statement, a Pentagon spokesperson said that will include the B-21 Raider stealth bomber the Air Force now has in development with Northrop Grumman. But the U.S. now does not plan to deploy it on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon said.
This feels so out of date to me. We have guided ballistic missiles, drones, etc. Why are we still thinking about dropping an unguided bomb like this from an aircraft with a human in it? It’s >1 megaton ffs - close should be “good enough”?
What happens when someone takes control of the guidance? A bomb dropped from the sky is going to obey the laws of physics and that’s it.
Laws of physics? What are you, a narc?
I’m so glad someone made it into a movie.
You dont just “take over” an inertial guidance system.
No, but the possibility exists.
In the same way the atoms that make up you and the atoms that make up a car wont hit eachother if you get hit. Unless there is some massive amount of fuckery theres no stopping a bomb once its dropped.
Dispersal of liability if something goes wrong?
It’s not the ground-based targeting system so that company can’t be sued. It’s not the onboard nav so that company can’t be sued. It’s not the software so that company can’t be sued. It’s not communication latency or interference so we can’t blame it on a bad command decision to push forward without more reliable data points.
The only thing that will ultimately result in a nuclear weapon being dropped is if the guy with human eyes is looking at the target, makes a judgement call, and pushes the button.
All that being said, we should not be building more nukes regardless. This is dumb.
You can probably fit more bomb in the same package if you odnt have to worry about propellant
I would lean to reliability and speed. Ballistic missiles don’t get a lot of testing while the bombers are flown regularly and takeoff/land pretty much anywhere .
No gravity waves generated or anything. But if they dropped one on you, you won’t complain about the name. Why not call it the Barbie warhead and Ken missile? Again, no one would come back " excuse me but I did not get any Barbies or Kens when this thing was dropped on my house yesterday and I would like to complain to management"
Will they come up with a better name than aeromorph?