Yeah establishment media all around is fairly biased, some places much more than others. It’s my opinion at least that it takes a good amount of research and education to cut through the thinly veiled news that many places put out.
Also, there’s a big push to remove some of the more honest news outlets by big media.
She has had a ton of legitimate reports that she heavily consumes Russian propaganda networks. Also, her 180 from being a Democrat to being a Russia supporter and parroter of their talking points almost overnight is what soured me on her, and is hella suspicious. To each their own but I absolutely don’t support her being in charge of our national intelligence given even the slightest chance she’s on vlad’s payroll.
In any case, I’m not hating on you specifically at all and we can disagree peacefully. Let’s both keep on educating ourselves because knowledge is power!
That’s why the Dept of Education is getting dismantled in the next four years and returning it “back to the states” so that they can privatize things and profit from it.
Damn it feels good to be a