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“Fun” Fact: that chart isn’t even a joke - it is actually, factually, pretty accurate. You can get a prison sentence of up to 3 years for that particular gesture.
Gemäß § 86a Absatz 1 und 2 StGB ist es nicht erlaubt, nationalsozialistische Symbole, Grußformeln oder Parolen zu verwenden. Der Hitlergruß wird […] mit bis zu drei Jahren Freiheitsstrafe geahndet
…on the other hand, it is a wonderful piece of irony that a joke about Germans turns out to be a non-joke in disguise, lol. German humor is no laughing matter, after all!
What if I need to heil a taxi?
Every time a German waves a Pole sweats
-sees german friend
-says hi while raising hand as a half-wave
what danger the country is swarming with fucking fascists
Seems to be a global trend.