why would you sign up to pay elon every time you want to charge your car? like bro cut your loss already theres a reason the dudes the richest person in the world
he’s already fucking owners who need warranty/fixes
and the way he’s dropping his MSRP the resale value are gonna be tanking
cant wait when he decides he “needs” to charge more for electricity now that the price is so cheap and the resale is gonna tank even more
I’m guessing Tesla owners can and do charge at home. I have a Leaf, and I’ve only used public chargers a few times. Under 100k miles cost of repairs shouldn’t be much of an issue.
why would you sign up to pay elon every time you want to charge your car? like bro cut your loss already theres a reason the dudes the richest person in the world
he’s already fucking owners who need warranty/fixes
and the way he’s dropping his MSRP the resale value are gonna be tanking cant wait when he decides he “needs” to charge more for electricity now that the price is so cheap and the resale is gonna tank even more
I’m guessing Tesla owners can and do charge at home. I have a Leaf, and I’ve only used public chargers a few times. Under 100k miles cost of repairs shouldn’t be much of an issue.
I charge at home for $0.058/kWh. The company that provides it is also local and it does create local jobs.
Do you even know how EV charging works? Do you go to the Apple Store or Android store to charge your phone?