Barrelling out of a club, mid comedown as the sun is coming up and seeing all the bright and cheery people on a Sunday morning going to church or wherever. You’re dressed in flourescent clubbing gear caked in grime and sweat from 8hrs of dancing.
This picture is VERY accurate.
Hell yeah, that’s the real church though at the end of the day
deleted by creator
Thriller starts playing
Dear NotSpez, I’m in the rollercoaster on the right lane and I don’t like it a lot.
Mrs TotallyNotSpez, what a pleasure to see you again! Just a shame about the circumstances, hope your day is salvageable despite of the early start.
An then there are those that swing days and nights who are stuck in perpetual limbo. My sleep schedule sucks.
Night shift handing off to morning shift
I woke up at 3 am because my body is pulling a prank on me
It’s just a prank bro. -my body
Try a train full of homeless meth heads who haven’t showered in 6 years oozing puss from their face
Shift handovers
What of your somehow both?