Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t care one bit if she wins re-election, according to a new book.
“I can go on any board I want to. I can be a college president. I can do anything,” she said.
Sinema told Romney said she saved the filibuster and the Senate and that’s “good enough for me.”
Getting real “I am the main character” vibes from this wretch.
If we can’t handle her at her worst, we don’t deserve her at her best
That’s a weird way to spell “conceited cunt.”
Yeah for sure. Thinks she is better than everyone for no reason.
doesn’t care one bit if she wins re-election
= Fuck you
“I can go on any board I want to.”
= I got mine
What a lovely sentiment from a public servant.
This asshole cares more about her post-Senate media career than doing the right thing by her constituents.
Everyone saw her cute little thumbs-down to paying people a living wage; she shouldn’t earn one either. Unfortunately the corporate media loves “moderates” like Sinema, so I guarantee she’ll get a cozy gig from MSNBC or FOX.
It’s nice that she is making the cash grab obvious.
In the interests fairness sinema wasn’t directly quoted saying this. From the article:
According to reporter McKay Coppins’s new book, “Romney: A Reckoning,” Sinema once told Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah that she could “do anything” once she’s out of office and feels that what she’s done in the Senate is “good enough.”
So the “quote” in the title isn’t even hers, but a paraphrasing in first person? That’s grade A bullshit.
As an Arizonan it is my life’s mission to make sure she loses.
Don’t forget to trash her post career too.
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Saved the senate? For who?
Her and manchin publicly argue that getting rid of the filibuster would allow republicans to gut the social safety net when/if they take control of government. I think that’s a bad argument though because there’s always another election and if Republicans did do that then votes could put Democrats back in power to restore and/or improve everything.
I guess we could flip flop on stuff like that but the folks screwed over during the interim are going to have a really bad time.
Of course that’s also assuming some Democrats aren’t convinced (💰) to go along and we never get these program back. And if we do then we lose them again when the Republicans manage to up their voter suppression & gerrymandering game.
We’re at a point where nothing gets accomplished at all. This graph illustrates how common it is to obstruct legislation, appointments, etc now.
The last part of that sentence is unfortunately true.
Someone needs to toss her down a long shaft.
I bet she doesn’t. What a greedy dickhead.
I thought we had “revolving door” policies at the federal level. Maybe that’s something we need to have, like a lot of other things.
My understanding is that they’re are no limitations on members of Congress after they leave office. Trump did put a ban on people on his administration becoming lobbyists, I think it was a five year ban, but he rescinded it towards the end of his term.
It’s pretty sad that my state ethics process is stricter than the federal government’s.
It really is. The vast majority of states don’t have any laws like that too. Mine doesn’t.
Sounds pretty arrogant.
Blessed are the meek…
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