Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t care one bit if she wins re-election, according to a new book.
“I can go on any board I want to. I can be a college president. I can do anything,” she said.
Sinema told Romney said she saved the filibuster and the Senate and that’s “good enough for me.”
Her and manchin publicly argue that getting rid of the filibuster would allow republicans to gut the social safety net when/if they take control of government. I think that’s a bad argument though because there’s always another election and if Republicans did do that then votes could put Democrats back in power to restore and/or improve everything.
I guess we could flip flop on stuff like that but the folks screwed over during the interim are going to have a really bad time.
Of course that’s also assuming some Democrats aren’t convinced (💰) to go along and we never get these program back. And if we do then we lose them again when the Republicans manage to up their voter suppression & gerrymandering game.
We’re at a point where nothing gets accomplished at all. This graph illustrates how common it is to obstruct legislation, appointments, etc now.