It boils down to experience with diagnosing that kind of problem when reported by a common person.
The amateur landlord so common in our age isn’t going to have that experience and unless they work in an area where it’s common to have to diagnose and fix technical problems they’re not going to be used to the kind of sistematic step by step approach used to pin down the exact nature of a problem so will have trouble even improvising it effectivelly.
Ah yes, the classic “it don’t work, pls fix” issue report.
I mean…those are all valid questions.
Any or all of which could’ve been asked.
It boils down to experience with diagnosing that kind of problem when reported by a common person.
The amateur landlord so common in our age isn’t going to have that experience and unless they work in an area where it’s common to have to diagnose and fix technical problems they’re not going to be used to the kind of sistematic step by step approach used to pin down the exact nature of a problem so will have trouble even improvising it effectivelly.