Fantastic, my company just switched to a new site that uses Okta for verification.
That’s fine. People don’t read the article anyway and it was the support portal of Okta that was breached.
So you are effected if your IT team had a support ticket open with okta and provided a support file and even then only the user details in the support file was effected.
Just use SyncThing or Resilio Sync and practice on an example dummy database with KeepPass rather than get all these random companies involved.
Practice with a keyfile but be very careful. Gets rid of all this “external authentication” bullshit that makes stuff like this even possible. Either you know and have the keyfile or you don’t, no need for companies that acts as authenticators.
Selfhost Vaultwarden
I wonder if thats more or less “fussy” than what I suggested. Is there a good video walkthrough you know of so folks can preview what it entails/“looks like”?