RE Engine: Monster Hunter, REMakes, DMC. All run beautifully
Idtech: Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are super optimised on low end hardware
Then you have Unreal Engine 5 which needs top end hardware to run (Remnant 2, Lords of Fallen) and
Gamebryo/Creation which still has bugs from Morrowind in Starfield.
Not sure if related but City Skylines 2 needs several times $$ investment for slight improvements over Cities 1 on Unity
Now a splash screen either makes me smile or cringe. Just wished everything ran RE engine
Lamborghini Huracan: fast and exciting
Fiat Panda: outstanding fuel efficiency
Trucks: lots of hauling space
Why not build trucks with the chassis of a Lamborghini and the motor of a Panda. It would solve all of our problems…
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the games/engines you cite as being “extremely well optimized” are both a lot older than UE5 and do a lot less than some of the “less optimized” games discussed (i.e. simpler lighting, no geometry virtualization, simplistic simulation, very static environments, etc.)
these are very apples and oranges comparisons
The beauty of the RE engine is that it looks fucking spectacular while running like a dream too
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Yep! I remember being genuinely surprised by the amazing graphics of RE5 and DMC4 back in the day!
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Nah this isn’t true. If you gave the devs a free month I’m sure they could optimize the hell out of things. The issue is there are deadlines and higher priority items. You can technically play cities 2 unoptimized at a lower fps and graphics setting, you’ll have a much worse time playing it if features are incomplete and full of bugs.
They simply didn’t have the time to get to optimization
That’s quite true. A friend told me that the red engine from cdpr is one of the most efficient and we’ll made engine today. It didn’t surprised me because cdpr has been working on it for 2 years after cyberpunk failed to meet the technical requirements they sold it for.
That’s what it takes now for an optimized engine: 2 years on a decade old engine.
Major Problems with game industry right now… Cost to make a game, and from that the repercussions if it fails.
Making an engine doesn’t happen overnight, and then you need new Devs to learn that engine throughout its lifetime. Fine for a big player, but even a large company like CDPR had issues, hence moving.
It’s a shame, but you can’t write off engines like UE. Epic and the Coalition do incredible work with it. UE5 is still VERY new. Look at Fortnite and wait for the next Gears game. Even if the game is dull I’m sure it will be a showcase for UE5.
The opposite is also true. You created an engine already, why do you want a new one? Just add to the existing one. Starfield is not the only industry game working on legacy engines
I’ve built this table with a saw and it’s level
I’ve built this table with an axe and it’s not level
Does that mean that saw is superior to making tables? No, I just suck with an axe and it was far easier to chop the wood than saw it.
I would say 99.9999% of the times it’s superior to make a table with a saw instead of an axe
Yes. But what if most people in your team suck at using saw?
If they can’t use a saw to chop something straight I’m sure as shit not trusting them to do it with an axe. I think it was a bad analogy.
See. It’s easier to use but of an axe to hammer the nails rather than to use the handle of saw to hammer the nails. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
All Unreal engine and Unity games run like ass. Any decent engine can create the same visuals and run at least 5x better.
I just do not bother with Unity or Unreal-based games. Absolute trash.