Countless firsthand accounts of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have disappeared across the last decade, and it may speak to larger issues with the historical record in the digital age.
Countless firsthand accounts of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have disappeared across the last decade, and it may speak to larger issues with the historical record in the digital age.
Imagine if, in 100 years, there was a massive Carrington Event and most of the world’s data was destroyed. How would we piece our history back together?
“The aurora over the Rocky Mountains in the United States was so bright that the glow woke gold miners, who began preparing breakfast because they thought it was morning.”
Lol, this must’ve been hella confusing.
We would definitely lose some data but I’m guessing there’s a few hundred backups of Wikipedia and the important stuff floating around.
A huge solar storm could wipe out the backups too unless they’re stored in a deep vault or something.
Solar storms arent really a risk for small electronics, more so if they aren’t connected to the grid. You wouldn’t need a deep vault, more like a cupboard.
There is a risk the hard drives wear out before society gets the grid back online and restarts producing hard drives though. We already don’t have that many facilities and they would certainly be taken offline, and the knowledge to build those facilities, that might get lost properly when the storm would hit.
“All things are made of atoms; little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.”