CONTENT WARNING: Realistic depictions of PTSD, suicide and combat injuries simulated with action figures. This is a PSA for raising awareness about veteran PTSD made by the British charity Veterans For Peace.
I was not expecting Mat Berry for the voice over
Normally I like stuff like this but I dunno… This doesn’t feel like a PSA and it doesn’t feel very tastefully done. It’s pretty crass and had no call to action so it just feels like making light off PTSD, paralysis, and death
INB4 you find out that this was sponsored by a disabled veterans group
I found out from the post description before I watched the video. The message just doesn’t hit for me.
In a past life (7 years ago) I made PSAs professionally and if I submitted something like this my boss would have vetoed it for the reasons I gave - vague message, no call to action
Sounds like your boss had poor taste. Or maybe a generally low opinion of the intelligence of the audience.
Lol. Sounds like you don’t know me or my boss. You must be a professional videographer for non-profits…so what’s the purpose of this PSA? To let us know it sucks to be in the military?
A good PSA not only makes you aware of something but also what you can do to help
Honestly I agree with you here. It’s a great and extremely shocking piece of art that forces you into the dark world of a combat veteran while making fun of how we glamorize war. However, the comedic tone with a dark subject matter doesn’t make it a good PSA. The redeeming quality is that it at least went viral and brought a lot more attention to the charity and veterans issues so it’s definitely a mixed bag. Side note, thank you for chiming in! It’s interesting to hear from someone who worked in the field professionally.
It kinda feels like a Wonder Showzen sketch or something especially with the implication that the government doesn’t give a shit (which is true)
These would have been good PSAs if there was some bill being propose, the call to action would be to voice your support to…uhhh forgive my American ignorance, I can’t remember what British elected officials are called. Those people!