I’m convinced that it’s all of the leaded gas and exhaust fumes
I’m convinced that it’s all of the leaded gas and exhaust fumes
Camera slowly pans down to reveal that the cameraman is now a goose/was a goose all along
RIP Trevor
Do you realize that a “regular army” would level the place entirely with airstrikes and artillery? --Because that’s what would be most expedient and cost the fewest Israeli lives and least money overall.
It looks good with all that negative space for reflection within the meme.
I’ve always thought that toilets should be more like shower stalls.
Who told you I let a hillbilly inside me?
I think they’ve taken it down merely because The Guardian doesn’t want to be associated with the dumbfuck lemmites et al. who will read it and think “This Osama is a swell guy”
24 minutes into Waffle House training vid:
Trainee: “Uh boss, what do I do if someone orders waffles?”
Boss: “…FUCK”
There is a spooky skeleton living inside you right now.
X Mayo. Formerly just Mayo.
Sounds like your boss had poor taste. Or maybe a generally low opinion of the intelligence of the audience.
INB4 you find out that this was sponsored by a disabled veterans group
Good news, the Rafah crossing is now open. Or at least has been opened to allow aid.
I’m glad to see Israel and the West coordinating with Egypt to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people
Have they included mechanics in the crafting overhaul?