Bonus: the app is just an Electron wrapper to their website.
Ah yes enslaved chromium
Discord: I’m in danger
It literally takes 20% of the CPU of my i5-10400 randomly, and even 40%
The app
Laughs in Teams.
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does Ventoy work for your use case ? write the ventoy image onto the usb, then you can copy/paste .iso files onto it without formatting. real neat for booting different systems from a single usb
You linked to the particle
“It’S bEtTeR iN ThE aPp”
The app: Last updated January 2023
App permissions required:
- name
- address
- contacts
- financials
- life history
- kinks
- current relationship status
…Is the app trying to fuck me?
It’s probably trying to get you to fuck yourself
Side rant: I refuse to download the McDonald’s app. That’s the first question they ask (and increasingly, any fast food joint asks) when you roll through the drive through. “Are you using the app today?”
No I’m not fucking using the app today. I just want an ice cream cone. Ok!? I don’t need or want to download another goddamned app and manage another set of credentials when it takes me less time to say, “Can I please have an ice cream cone?” And for you to respond with, “I’m sorry but our ice cream machine is broken.” than it does for me to order a fucking ice cream cone on the stupid app.
I mean hells bells I’m a software engineer. I make my living designing [often unnecessary] software [which provides little tangible benefit]. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to have an app to go through a fast food drive through or use household appliances. I will die on this hill. Ok, maybe not die, but I will be severely wounded on this hill.
My view as a sys admin is I’m not going to risk the security of my mobile device just so they can scour my personal information and collect marketing data on me and send it god knows where and claim its to “make ordering easier”. I just want to order my fucking food, not have my fucking identity stolen because I wanted a cheeseburger.
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Ironically, I find McDonald’s has one of the better reward systems in their app. I also enjoy being able to punch in my order on a screen with any modifications I want such as extra pickle, no lettuce, etc… instead of relying on the shitty speaker to pick it up only to hear a guy be like “Did you say cherry coke?” “No, diet coke” ugh
Also free fries on Friday.
Building a great mobile website is much harder than building a great mobile app, so I understand when they just don’t build a great website to begin with, but taking away an existing website, yeah, that sucks.
If all I did was inspire Lemmy meme community to make stock photo memes, I’m happy
We see you, and we’re proud. o7
Most of us would probably just be fine with PWAs, but the marketing branch says no… They need everything possible about you, need the app to run at startup and send you notifications at least every 4 hours…
If you download the app anyway, make sure that the first thing you do is to disable the notifications. Many apps have that as their sole purpose.
I am the head of a large banking app / web in Europe. We have about 40 MiO logins per month, 39 (edit: millions) are done with the app.
Personally I would prefer the web version of everything important like banking always - but the customers are all preferring apps. So yea guess where I allocate my budget.
It sucks but that’s how people operate these days
39 out of 40 000 000? That’s not a lot of app users.
;) millions … 39 millions ;)
I blame the Lemmy app of my choice for my typing shortcomings
App takes up 300 mb despite being clearly just the mobile site wrapped in a webview.
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Ad the app is just an ugly wrapper around Chrome custom tab.
All the more reason to download a script blocker.
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You don’t have to block all scripts and the few sites which are unusable without them aren’t worth visiting.