For example, I like to train mine to accept me providing scritches (petting) with my feet and for them to be equally comfortable with using foot as hand
I taught mine this cool trick where I’m holding him and he hears a slightly loud noise and then claws the ever loving shit out of me and leaves me deeply gouged and bleeding in several places. It’s a great trick.
The cat I had when I was a kid would occasionally use the toilet. Just for peeing.
When he was done he’d paw the handle. He wasn’t strong enough to actually flush it, but he tried.
This definitely happend 😹
Yeah… every story on the internet is 100% true, take it from me.
Source: am internet
Good @thorbot!
It did, but if you choose to live in a universe where cats don’t try to emulate humans, I’m not going to stop you.
I miss that cat. We used to chill out and Doritos together.
Its all good man, I saw the cheap shot and I literally couldn’t contain myself. Its more of a reflection of my im/compulsivity than commentsry on ur truth-telling dealio
Thelonious Monk, famous jazz pianist, actually wrote a book on this. We tried to get our cat to do it but alas, too dumb (sorry Herbert).
U can’t be serious?!
EditNotAnEdit: u sure you aren’t thinking of Charles Mingus or is that his stage name or something? I had to look it up but ironically i may still be overlooking this vital issue
I. Want. Your. Cat. To teach mine how to be movie-level adorable.
Wow, thank you for this awesome write-up! You didn’t need to go so out of your way to teach a stranger, but I appreciate the heck out of it.
I never would have thought this could work with cats, or any kind of behavioral conditioning for that matter. It’s the exact thing I would expect from a dog-training regimen. Regardless, I’ll give it a shot. I think I’ll see great results from the one who used to be right behind my heels wherever I would go at home. She still adores all attention, but she’s a little more independent now 😊
Thanks again for the tips! You’ll have a share of the credit for any future snoot boops.
I used to date a girl who was a psychology major. She was studying behavioral psychology so ever since those days, I’ve respected and appreciated the people who dedicate their careers to understanding the brain.
I’ve figured out the water example on my own after getting a water bottle for work. It started out more as a “I don’t want people to judge me for being a soda fiend, so I should ‘fall in line’” kind of deal, but now I really don’t crave soda at work. Unfortunately at home it’s like a switch gets flipped to “drink sugar now”, but I’m working on it. At least I’m getting lots of water at work. I’m gonna look into the links you provided and see if it helps. Thank you!
My kids taught one of our cats to high five, it’s cute. Also if you never let them outside off a leash, they do learn to calmly step into the harness.
My cat recognizes the tea kettle whistle as time to get off my lap. “Up” and “Down” mean the same thing (you need to get down so I can get up).
She’s not the brightest, but a warning that she needs to move means I get clawed less.
And she can join you for a teaparty, whoa, way cool trick yo
she doesn’t drink tea (yet), but she does know head butting my hand when I’m holding a cup is a bad idea!
I leash/harness train mine. It’s nice to be able to mostly walk them around outside like dogs. Also I train them to ride on my shoulders for transportation. That way when they get too lazy to walk back to the house or I need to carry them around for any other reason I can just plop them on my shoulders and they will ride there, keeping my hands free. My neighbors probably think I’m crazy.
u/VegaLyrae’s suggestions are all excellent.
I taught my cats to high five. That’s a bit fun.
Hand signals over verbal signals. They listen better and it freaks your friends out when you rub your finger together and all your cats show up.
As a kid, my mother taught ours to sit, shake, lie down, roll over, and to dance/stand (stand on 2 feet). It took a lot of training to get him to do it but it was sorta worth it. 🤷
Ignore me.
Wake me up.Knock my shit over.
Fit in the box.My cat has mastered all these tricks.
I feel like people are crazy pussy-cat-whipped. I would never allow my cats to do the typical cat complaints, and I’m super good to them.
Making air quotes.
“Made” “me” “laugh”, “thanks”