The giveaway here is that it’s Salzburg, not Vienna. International flyers into Austria are almost universally going to end up in Vienna by default. Vienna’s airport sees ~20x the annual passenger count.
Paywall. Isn’t stupid for an article like this? It’s a curiosity that attracts many people from the world. That page is designed to just be ad-supported. Nobody living outside Austria would ever subscribe to “the local - Austria” just because it’s curious about a meme/ad.
Why even bother writing that article if nobody can read it
I don’t know if this is true, but it does make me feel better!
It’s not true, I saw a different meme on it the other day and looked it up. This came about because some company made an advertisement at Salzburg Airport that looked kind of like a help desk tag for someone that mistakingly flew to Austria instead.
The giveaway here is that it’s Salzburg, not Vienna. International flyers into Austria are almost universally going to end up in Vienna by default. Vienna’s airport sees ~20x the annual passenger count.
Paywall. Isn’t stupid for an article like this? It’s a curiosity that attracts many people from the world. That page is designed to just be ad-supported. Nobody living outside Austria would ever subscribe to “the local - Austria” just because it’s curious about a meme/ad.
Why even bother writing that article if nobody can read it
Link fixed: