Over 40,000 admin portal accounts use ‘admin’ as a password::Security researchers found that IT administrators are using tens of thousands of weak passwords to protect access to portals, leaving the door open to cyberattacks on enterprise networks.
I find their statements a bit on the sweeping side.
Out of more than 1.8 million administrator credentials analyzed, over 40,000 entries were “admin,” showing that the default password is widely accepted by IT administrators.
That’s just over 2 percent. “Widely accepted” in my book is a much larger percentage…
upgrade to, “Admin1!”
I think I can say this now because it’s been 10 years. But in one of my old jobs, I set a new windows administrator password for all assets across the organization. Previously it was 8 characters with a known word with an exclamation point added at the end.
I got the approval to set a new password that would be secure but easy to remember for the IT guys that would be using it on a daily basis. They complained about my first two choices, so I said fuck it and changed it to F0rH315ThEKwi$atzHad3rach!
I could remember it just fine. Still do to this day lol. They complained about a 14 character password before and I was tired of trying to get them on board.
As soon as I left for greener pastures, I heard they changed the password to something easy again. Oh well, not my problem anymore.
That’s amazing! That’s the same password I have on my luggage!
I’m surrounded by assholes!
Keep firing, Assholes!
Always work that into any discussion around passwords to find out who the kindred souls are in the room. Either instant smiles or awkward pauses, so good to sort the chaff from the wheat.
There not really much in the article but i know a lot of stuff gets shipped with admin/admin. A lot of manufacturers are starting to ship with secure passwords and a requirement to make one on first boot.
Pretty sure it’s a lot more than 40k
Gibson gang checking in with password “GOD”
I worked for an organization that was pawned by ransomware. That administered around 4500 Windows PCs. All and every one of them had an admin account that was “adminarea” and the password was “areaadmin”
Majority of those accounts are probably used on portals for printer/copiers.
That’s amazing! I’ve got the same combination on my luggage!