Get ready to pay more for Netflix’s priciest plan.
Subscribers to Netflix’s Basic and Premium plans will be paying more, with prices rising to $11.99 and $22.99 per month in the US.
Get ready to pay more for Netflix’s priciest plan.
Subscribers to Netflix’s Basic and Premium plans will be paying more, with prices rising to $11.99 and $22.99 per month in the US.
Do you use sonarr/radarr/jackett? I can’t seem to find any good indexers that actually work
Sonarr radarr prowlarr
Accounts with IPTorrents, AlphaRatio, and TorrentLeech
All my stuff comes from them
Awesome thanks!!!
Looks like IPT and TL are invite only or you can pay money… Is that how you got in or did you get an invite? Seems kinda sketchy sending them money for a seedbox I’ll never use. AT is inv only.
I got an invite for IPT from a friend, was my first private tracker. I think the others I got during open registrations they had.
I’ve got invites, you able to seed back for 2 weeks?
If multiple invitees have bad ratio, the inviter can have their account disabled. So usually invite sharing with strangers goes along with proof of past ratio.
There was a subreddit for it, maybe there’s a lemmy community
That would be awesome if I could get invites! I just set up a headless Ubuntu Server that will always be on and I can set up my seed ratio to infinite.
I’m rocking ProtonVPN pro with fiber so I have 1000Mbps up/down without vpn. Not exactly sure what the max up with that is.
As for proof I don’t have much. My only current one is 49gb downloaded v 53gb up
Just curious, are you able to see the ratio of your invitees?
Just checked, and yes, on all 3 platforms I see the username of the person I invited and can check their stats, and I can also see the person who invited me and their stats.
That’s pretty cool. Do you know if IPT ever opens registration?
I’m not sure,
But maybe keep an eye on [email protected] I know the TL and AR invites I got were from /r/opensignups posts
Thanks! I’ll be keeping an eye on it.