Incidentally, that put me off learning the trucker’s hitch until completely unconnected a friend showed me the hitch very simply. Now it’s one of my favourite.
I also assumed until half way through the song...
That it was going to be a sappy love song about how he doesn’t know how to ‘tie the knot’
::: …I was glad to find myself wrong.
How come there are two links in this thread and none of them are this one?
I should have checked yours before I also posted!
Incidentally, that put me off learning the trucker’s hitch until completely unconnected a friend showed me the hitch very simply. Now it’s one of my favourite.
I also assumed until half way through the song...
That it was going to be a sappy love song about how he doesn’t know how to ‘tie the knot’ ::: …I was glad to find myself wrong.