China’s foreign minister said Saturday that Israel has gone too far in responding to last week’s invasion by Hamas, China’s official news agency reported.
Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.
According to Xinhua, China has an interest in helping resolve the conflict and the underlying issues involving the Palestinian population.
He’s not wrong. But it’s worth remembering that when China faced a far smaller provocation from their own restive Muslims, in Xinjiang, they responded by locking up a large fraction of the population in vast reeducation camps…
Not saying that’s right, but at least they didn’t bomb the camps…
I think if they felt the need to they would have. China and Israel’s government both place about the same value on the lives of people who get in their way, China is just a lot more self conscious about its international image.
This is a stupid take. 70 years has passed since China’s last military attack on a nation. 70 years. But sure, let’s ignore history and view things from our fee fees.
China may be oppressive against those in its nation. But it’s proven from decades of peace to not do anything like what you are saying.
They attack sovereign waters all the time. They make threats to Taiwan nearly daily.
So who got killed?
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Love it, can’t find an answer so you turn to ad hominem. The last bastion of a loser.
Where in my comment did I talk about their willingness to attack other countries? I said they didn’t value the lives of people who get in their way, like the pro-democracy student protesters they massacred in 1989, or the Uyghurs they’ve been enslaving/brutalizing/killing in concentration camps more recently.
There’s no evidence of killing. The UN even visited and stated they did not believe China was engaged in mass killing. So no, nothing like what Israel is doing.
Plenty of circumstantial evidence of killing (e.g. missing people), and when there’s been documented imprisonment forced labor and forced sterilizations, the fact that they don’t say “… and then we kill them” in any written documents the UN can get their hands on and just rely on their guards to know what to do really doesn’t matter
Both countries want to exterminate people who challenge their aims, China’s just got a slightly more controlled environment to do it in
Right right, killing thousands is comparable to circumstantial evidence. Do you hear yourself?
So the sino-indian war was in 62, but they’ve been salami slicing in indian aksai chin the past decade, and this is acknowledged by outside observers.
China isn’t just brutal to its own people.
So nothing in the past decades, like I said. This isn’t even remotely comparable to what Israel is doing.
They literally said China and India have been going at it in the past decade. Which they have. For example:–2021_China–India_skirmishes
I wouldn’t call people pushing each other a violent attack. It became bad not because they killed each other but because they were pushing each other on the top of a mountain.
It’s been 44 years since their war with Vietnam. It’s been 11 since they were involved in Mali as part of a multi-state force.
So decades and they defended a compound. Yeah?
Much more recently than the 70 years you claim though.
No it’s not. I said 70 years since they attacked. What you’re talking about is China’s slow retreat out of Vietnam. That would be like arguing that USA invaded Afghanistan last year.
They’ve managed to be very belligerent in spite of that. They’ve flown incredibly close to US jets and veered away barely in time, and they do the same with all sorts of ships in the South China Sea – which they claim as their own to an extent that would be equivalent to the US claiming the entire Gulf of Mexico. They’ve destroyed fishing ships and left fishermen stranded too.
China is not a model of peace to follow. It is a model for nascent global powers however in how to exercise and test out influence for acts without impunity.
They raped and tortured them form what I understand.
There’s also the issue of the potential mass organ harvesting from people in China’s “Reeducation Camps”
Yes, I remember when I learned about it, I was shook to the core… The harvesting of organs was cherry on top, absolute horror…
Same thing everywhere, dehumanise a people and they’re just chicken in cages. God knows we’ve been far down that route
It’s apparent some believe silent torture is more civilised than bombs.
They are both horrifying forms of genocide.
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maybe the chinese can give them some tips, I heard they’re pretty experienced in handling minorities…
“you just build a giant factory around them and start exporting”
And some camps for them to concen…to focus and recreate.
Speaking to Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Israel’s actions have extended beyond self-defense.
Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
wow, says by the nation who abuses Filipino fishermen, claiming they own the entire West Philippine Sea
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Dude, Huawei allegedly partnering with China to identify Uyghurs.
Projection gaming. Classic China lmao
Their 9-dash line claim failed. So they have freshly-baked 10-dash line lol
More dashes, more chances of winning
I’m very inclined to ignore West Taiwan’s position on matters of ethics and morality.
Pro-tip: If you’re pitching a Taiwanese company, saying “West Taiwan” is almost a guarantee of winning the business.
Genocidal China has problem with more genocide? Whut?
This is one of those things that is so set in people’s minds, I’d love to know what you actually imagine happening when you say it - like what you’re picturing.
I’ve been giving friends pop quizes about Xinjiang when they bring it up, so far not found a single person who knows anything about any single part of it.
It’s interesting because so many people claim to be deeply concerned about it but no one ever seems to have any real desire to learn about it, I’ve seen a million infographics this week about Palestines population and the history and everything but no one ever posts facts about the situation in China even though it’s mentioned endlessly in glib comments.
I thought the CCP hated Muslims too.
Gee, maybe religion isn’t the sole factor in all of this?
Communists hate religion. The CCP is disingenuous.
The CCP doesn’t define communism.
But they are communists.
Lol wtf is this, the onion?
Here’s an idea? Let the Chinese government administer Gaza! They have experience reeducting Muslims right? Then all Gazaouis muslims will become Jewish, Christian, atheist, you name it! Possibilities are endless.
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Gaza has basically been an open air concentration camp for 16 years.
But the sheer balls on China to spout this rhetoric.
So Palestine is now supported by russia, Syria, Iran, China, all the greatest and most fair countries in the world.
It’s quite an obvious geopolitical win for them. It’s not hard to notice that the “western” reactions to the Russian occupation of Ukraine is pretty inconsistent with the support of the Israeli occupation of Gaza and the West Bank. Obviously support for Ukraine is the right thing to do, but again, inconsistent policy is easy to critique.
Bravo. You nailed it. Thank you.
Exceedingly rare W
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At the “start” of this, I didn’t really have an opinion. But that’s mostly due to lack of knowledge and the complexity of the issue.
I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.
I’m still really undecided and am unqualified to make an opinion anyway.
“As they were hit first.”
Whooboy. You have to go far, far, far back in history, buddy.
People were on TV news saying the Israelis are like Native Americans getting their land back 🤣🤣🤣
The graphs here go to 2008 and the situation has been going on for decades before that
It’s OK not too have a side. Israel and Palestine have been going at it for so long and the history is so complex that there is literally blame on both sides.
Do you feel the need to take a side
The only side I give a shit about are the civilians just trying to live their lives
The pressure is all over these comment sections. Not this one in particular.
It’s really complicated. If you trace back why people did what they did, including motivations, you’ll end up centuries back. I stopped in the Russian revolutionary time period last time I tried.
Is it even safe to start from the Ottomans?
Goes even further than that I suspect, but I’m not sure. I would seriously not be surprised though if you could trace it to the Romans in Jerusalem.
I was initially siding with Israel as they were hit first, but their response has made me rethink things.
To generalize this out to other wars and conflicts, even regular old arguments, there are almost always pre-existing conditions and tensions leading up to the first major attack. Even things like WWI, where the catalyst was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. But there is quite obviously more to the atmosphere, national ambitions, etc. etc. that make it so that the separatists wanted to assassinate him, and make it so that Austria-Hungary wanted to invade Serbia and used this as an excuse. A war would have happened anyway, no matter who attacked first.
Iarael’s response is to destroy the terrorist organizario that is responsible for all of this misery.
History has proven time and time again that this is the worst possible way to do that. Israel is either stupid or is acting intentionally with another purpose.
I think this is unprecedented. Everything about this actually, not just Israel deciding to end Hamas… So I don’t know if history showed this before, I do know that previous attempts at pacifying Hamas - as opposed to ending it - did happen, and we definitely see now they achieved nothing…
The US calls out something bad and people point out the hypocrisy: “wHaTaBoUtIsM”
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I liked how Vlad Vexler put it. I’d try to paraphrase, but it’s probably better to let him speak for himself: